Chloe graduated from Manchester Metroplitan Univeristy in 2009, from this she went straight into private pratice treating a variety of sports injuries. After experiencing her own injury snowboarding she decided to train as an APPI Pilates instrucutor and set up classes in 2016 alongside treating sports injuries. She still treats a variety of injuries and not necessarily from playing sports.
After the birth of her daughter in 2019 Chloe decided to train as a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist. The driving force for this was the lack of information made available during pregnancy to help her make an informed choice about her delivery and care. But more so in the post partum stage where the emphasise was on baby's health rather than mum's. Healthy mum, healthy baby. Since then she has become passionate about empowering women to have choices as making them aware that even though their symptoms are 'normal' they do not need to struggle with them.